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来源:       发布时间:2020-12-30



At AIR, we look at AI technology and industry research with the following three R principles:

01 Responsive 积极响应


  • 用来预测和防范疫情的数据分析模型

  • 推动药物发明进程的深度学习算法

  • 提升个人健康水平的应用开发

  • 能够挽救生命、减少交通事故、改善环境的自动驾驶和智慧交通

Responsive AI: We choose to work on technologies that are responsive to the needs of the societies and industry: for example, data and analytic models that predict and prevent pandemics, deep learning algorithms that accelerate drug discoveries, technologies that improves personal health, and autonomous driving and smart transportation that save lives, reduce traffic, and improve our environment.

02 Resilient 适应发展

  • 推进技术发展,使其更透明,更具解释说服力,以及具备更强大的力量

  • 减少数据偏差及泄漏、模型漏洞、算法攻击情况的出现,解决存在的安全风险

  • 开发新的算法,不仅要包含大数据及计算功能,还要包含因果关系和逻辑关系的相关知识和推理能力

Resilient AI: We must advance our technologies to become more transparent, explainable, and robust. We must reduce data biases and leakage, model vulnerability, algorithm attack,and security risks. We need to develop new algorithms that embrace not only big data /computing capability, but also knowledge and inference with causality and logics.

03 Responsible 坚守价值

  • 在研究理论、算法,尤其是适用于不同行业的应用模型时,必须牢记一个重要的原则——理解技术本身的意义,及其可能带来的结果

  • 在做科研时,人们通常专注于“如何”,而忽略了“为何”。而在人工智能时代,研究人员必须明白技术的使用情况和潜在的滥用情况,并将伦理问题和价值观置于技术之上

Responsible AI: When we work on theory, algorithms, and especially applications to different industries, we must keep in mind the key underlining principles and understand consequences and implications of our technologies. Being scientists and technologies, we often focus on working on HOW and ignore the very question of WHY and WHAT. That is not okay at the age of AI, we must understand the use and potential misuse of technologies – putting ethics and value beyond the technology itself.


  • 面对AI的快速发展,张亚勤提出3R原则,希望能够通过Responsive(积极响应)、Resilient(适应发展)、Responsible(坚守价值)三点准则来推动赋能行业发展。

  • 清华大学智能产业研究院(AIR)希望做负责任的AI,了解不同行业的底层基础,分析技术将产生的影响和后果,通过技术创新,国际合作和治理,以及大规模使用人工智能来推进第四次工业革命。


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Speech on AI governance at Tsinghua Univ.

Dec.18, 2020, Ya-Qin Zhang

Good morning, ladies and gentleman.

First of all, let me just say how relevant and timely it is to have a forum on this critical topic of AI governance – as we approach the end of 2020, certainly the most eventful and difficult year in our recent memory.

We continued to advance in the AI technological front with large model, large data, and large computing. An example is OpenAI’s GPT-3, the pre-trained transformer platform for Natural language processing, represents the state-of-art AI capability with over 170 Billion parameters, implemented w over 10,000 GPUs and a quarter million CPU cores.

We see the rapid application of AI-deep learnings for every segment of industry, whether it was healthcare, education, transportation, and finance, or manufacturing.

For example, significant progress is being made in autonomous driving, In China some 30 cities began commercial trials of robotaxi this year. I was in Guangzhou just over a week ago to test out the Apollo robotaxi --- after Changsha, Beijing, and a few other cities. While it still takes some time to bring to mainstream in large volume – as you know there are also many non-tech issues: policies, regulations, liabilities, ethnics and driving habits, I do see tremendous strides made in algorithms. Technologies, and commercial trials.

Another example is AlphaFold 2, continuing the miraculous path of AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and AlphaFold 1. AlphaFold 2 achieved breakthrough in predicting protein 3D folding structure – with the accuracy close to real experimentation which usually takes long cycle with super expensive instrumentation and human resources. Indeed, New algorithms like AlphaFold can transform the drug discovery and medicine with an unprecedented pace we have never seen before.

Just two weeks ago, we officially started a new institute at Tsinghua University, the institute for AI industry research (AIR). AIR aims to become an open and global R&D center that develops core technologies, empower industries, and advance societies, leveraging the new wave of the fourth industrial revolution.

As President Qiu Yong envisioned and articulated, there are three key pillars for AI at Tsinghua University, one for academic research (AI research institute), led by Prof. Zhang Bo and Prof. Zhang YaoXue, one for international governance (A-IIG), led by madam Fu Ying and Prof. Xue Lan, and one for AI industry research, headed by myself and a few co-leagues. The three complimentary institutes try to address fundamental research, applied industry technologies, and their societal impacts and implications in a holistic way.

For AIR, we look at AI technology and industry research with the following three R principles:

Responsive AI: We choose to work on technologies that are responsive to the needs of the societies and industry: for example, data and analytic models that predict and prevent pandemics, deep learning algorithms that accelerate drug discoveries, technologies that improves personal health, and autonomous driving and smart transportation that save lives, reduce traffic, and improves our environment.

Resilient AI: We must advance our technologies to become more transparent, explainable, and robust. We must reduce data biases and leakage, model vulnerability, algorithm attack and security risks. We need to develop new algorithms that embrace not only big data /computing capability, but also knowledge and inference with causality and logics.

Responsible AI: When we work on theory, algorithms, and especially applications to different industries, we must keep in mind the key underlining principles and understand consequences and implications of our technologies. Being scientists and technologies, we often focus on working on HOW and ignore the very question of WHY and WHAT. That is not okay at the age of AI, we must understand the use and potential misuse of technologies – putting ethics and value beyond the technology itself.

With today’s AI governance, let me also offer the following two suggestions:

Conduct active discussion and candid dialogue at global level, through industry forums, think tanks, and international standardization efforts, to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing all of us, whether it’s for autonomous driving, biological computing, face recognition, elimination of jobs, and so on. I applaud the leadership by Madam Fu Ying at Tsinghua, along with Brookings Institute in US, and Moodera foundation in Australia – they have courageously worked on the boundary, risks, governance and framework of the AI for military use – arguably the most difficult and critically important topic of all.

Actively to deploy new technologies to deal with sensitive issues of privacy, security, and data solvency, and governance. For example, federated learnings that can do learning without actually sharing original data (e,g, medical data, or financial data), multi-party secured computing that can do computing with encrypted data, differential privacy that you can share the attributes and features without disclosing identities, and of course other new encryption/authentication algorithms for privacy and security.

Again, I am super excited about the transformative power of AI and the fourth industry revolution. Only through technology innovation, international cooperation and more importantly the proper use and governance of AI, can we fully unleash the full potential and power of the new wave of the industry revolution.

上一条:清华大学智能产业研究院成立暨合作协议签署仪式举行 下一条:清华教授马维英:智慧医疗中国有巨大优势 未来可能走在美国前面







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