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刘云新博士是清华大学国强教授、博士生导师、智能产业研究院首席研究员,担任清华大学(智能产业研究院)-亚信科技(中国)有限公司联合研究中心主任、国家重点研发计划项目负责人,入选国家高层次人才计划。加入清华大学之前,他在微软亚洲研究院工作近20年,担任主任研究员,负责移动计算、边缘计算、异构计算等研究方向。他在MobiSysMobiComTONTMC等国际学术会议和期刊上发表学术论文100多篇,拥有发明专利20余项,包括已授权美国专利16项。他的研究成果成功应用到了Visual Studio等多项微软产品中,并被国际媒体广泛报道。他获得了MobiSys 2021最佳论文奖、SenSys 2018最佳论文Runner-up奖、MobiCom 2015最佳演示奖、2022 CCF科技进步一等奖等奖项。他长期担任多个国际学术会议的程序委员会成员,包括MobiSysMobiCom SIGCOMMATCWWWINFOCOM等,现任或曾任MobiSys 2023的程序委员会共同主席 (TPC Co-Chair)、MobiHoc 2021的大会共同主席(General Co-Chair)、IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing的编委、中国科学技术大学兼职博导、以及ACM SIGBED China副主席。



2006-2011 上海交通大学 计算机应用技术 博士

1998-2001 清华大学 计算机系统结构 硕士

1993-1998 中国科学技术大学 理论与应用力学和计算机软件 学士


2021-至 今 清华大学智能产业研究院 首席研究员

2001-2021 微软亚洲研究院 历任助理/副研究员、研究员、主管/高级/主任研究员




1. [MobiSys-2022] Jaemin Shin, Yuanchun Li, Yunxin Liu, and Sung-Ju Lee, “FedBalancer: Data and Pace Control for Efficient Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Clients”, in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, 2022.

2. [MobiSys-2022] Qipeng Wang, Mengwei Xu, Chao Jin, Xinran Dong, Jinliang Yuan, Xin Jin, Gang Huang, Yunxin Liu, and Xuanzhe Liu, “Melon: Breaking the Memory Wall for Resource-Efficient On-Device Machine Learning”, in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, 2022.

3. [MobiSys-2022] Fucheng Jia, Deyu Zhang, Ting Cao, Shiqi Jiang, Yunxin Liu, Ju Ren, and Yaoxue Zhang, “CoDL: Efficient CPU-GPU Co-execution for Deep Learning Inference on Mobile Devices”, in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, 2022.

4. [MobiCom-2022] Jinrui Zhang, Huan Yang, Ju Ren, Deyu Zhang, Bangwen He, Ting Cao, Yuanchun Li, Yaoxue Zhang, and Yunxin Liu, “MobiDepth: Real-Time Depth Estimation Using On-Device Dual Cameras”, in Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 2022.

5. [MobiCom-2022] Rendong Liang, Ting Cao, Jicheng Wen, Manni Wang, Yang Wang, Jianhua Zou, and Yunxin Liu, “Romou: Rapidly Generate High-Performance Tensor Kernels for Mobile GPUs”, in Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 2022.

6. [SenSys-2022] Yongheng Deng, Weining Chen, Ju Ren, Feng Lyu, Yang Liu, Yunxin Liu, and Yaoxue Zhang, “TailorFL: Dual-Personalized Federated Learning under System and Data Heterogeneity”, in Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, 2022.

7. [SenSys-2022] Ziyan Fu, Ju Ren, Yunxin Liu, Ting Cao, Deyu Zhang, Yuezhi Zhou, and Yaoxue Zhang, “Hyperion: A Generic and Distributed Mobile Offloading Framework on OpenCL”, in Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, 2022.

8. [MICRO-2022] Cong Guo, Chen Zhang, Jingwen Leng, Zihan Liu, Fan Yang, Yunxin Liu, Minyi Guo, and Yuhao Zhu, “ANT: Exploiting Adaptive Numerical Data Type for Low-bit Deep Neural Network Quantization”, in Proceedings of the 55th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2022. (IEEE Micro Top Picks 2023 Honorable Mention)

9. [ICSE-2022] Ziqi Zhang, Yuanchun Li, Jindong Wang, Bingyan Liu, Ding Li, Xiangqun Chen, ao Guo, and Yunxin Liu, “ReMoS: Reducing Defect Inheritance in Transfer Learning via Relevant Model Slicing”, in Proceedings of the 44rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, 2022.

10. [ICLR-2022] Cong Guo, Yuxian Qiu, Jingwen Leng, Xiaotian Gao, Chen Zhang, Yunxin Liu, Fan Yang, Yuhao Zhu, and Minyi Guo, “SQuant: On-the-Fly Data-Free Quantization via Diagonal Hessian Approximation”, in Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022.

11. [ICLR-2022] Divyam Madaan, Jaehong Yoon, Yuanchun Li, Yunxin Liu, and Sung Ju Hwang, “Rethinking the Representational Continuity: Towards Unsupervised Continual Learning”, in Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Learning Representations (Oral), 2022.

12. [MobiCom-2021] Shiqi Jiang, Zhiqi Lin, Yuanchun Li, Yuanchao Shu and Yunxin Liu, “Flexible High-resolution Object Detection on Edge Devices with Tunable Latency”, in Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 2021.

13. [MobiCom-2021] Manni Wang, Shaohua Ding, Ting Cao, Yunxin Liu, and Fengyuan Xu, “AsyMo: Scalable and Efficient Deep-Learning Inference on Asymmetric Mobile CPUs”, in Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 2021.

14. [MobiCom-2021] Wuyang Zhang, Zhezhi He, Luyang Liu, Zhenhua Jia, Yunxin Liu, Marco Gruteser, Dipankar Raychaudhuri, and Yanyong Zhang, “Elf: Accelerate High-resolution Mobile Deep Vision with Content-aware Parallel Offloading”, in Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 2021.

15. [MobiCom-2021] Hao Wu, Xuejin Tian, Minghao Li, Yunxin Liu, Ganesh Ananthanarayanan, Fengyuan Xu, and Sheng Zhong, “PECAM: Privacy-Enhanced Video Streaming and Analytics via Securely-Recoverable Transformation”, in Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 2021.

16. [MobiSys-2021] Li Lyna Zhang, Shihao Han, Jianyu Wei, Ningxin Zheng, Ting Cao, Yuqing Yang, and Yunxin Liu, “nn-Meter: Towards Accurate Latency Prediction of Deep-Learning Model Inference on Diverse Edge Devices”, in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, 2021.

17. [ESEC/FSE-2021] Chengxu Yang, Yuanchun Li, Mengwei Xu, Zhenpeng Chen, Yunxin Liu, Gang Huang, and Xuanzhe Liu, “TaintStream: Fine-grained Taint Tracking for Big Data Platforms through Dynamic Code Translation”, in Proceedings of the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2021.

18. [ISCA-2021] Yang Wang, Chen Zhang, Zhiqiang Xie, Cong Guo, Yunxin Liu, and Jingwen Leng, “Dual-side Sparse Tensor Core”, in Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, 2021.

19. [ATC-2021] Mengwei Xu, Tiantu Xu, Yunxin Liu, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, “Video Analytics with Zero-streaming Cameras”, in Proceedings of the 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2021.

20. [MM-2021] Yun Li, Chen Zhang, Shihao Han, Li Lyna Zhang, Baoqun Yin; Yunxin Liu and Mengwei Xu, “Boosting Mobile CNN Inference through Semantic Memory”, in Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2021.

上一条:聂再清 下一条:刘菁菁





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