"Real-time and efficient data fusion can provide a greater sensing range for self-driving vehicles, and the right sensors can enable self-driving vehicles to work around the clock," said XING Guoliang.
In the afternoon of January 5, the 15th AIR Academic Salon was held online as scheduled. In this issue, we were honored to invite Prof. XING Guoliang, Professor of Information Engineering Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, to give a presentation entitled "Real-time Edge System of Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative Autonomous Driving" online. The event was hosted by Professor LIU Yunxin, chief researcher of the Institute for AI Industry Research, Tsinghua University (AIR). Over 5,000 audience joined the livestream, and a total of nearly 10,000 views have accumulated as of now.

Read More: AIR Academic Salon Series 15 | XING Guoliang: Real-time Edge System of Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative Autonomous Driving