Robotic Construction Challenge


When envisioning the future of the construction industry, the use of robots in construction has already made significant progress and shows enormous potential. With the advent of the era of embodied intelligence, intelligent robots will become crucial assistants in the construction industry. They can not only enhance construction efficiency and quality but also enable a more intelligent and adaptive construction process with human-like perception, decision-making, and execution capabilities.

The first Robotic Construction Challenge (RCC) will be held at IROS 2024, Abu Dhabi. For the construction target model, we choose the Capital Gate in Abu Dhabi, requiring participants to use building blocks to recreate the shape of the Capital Gate (especially its leaning state). Following this predefined construction rule, participants are allowed to use single or dual robotic arms to autonomously identify, locate, grasp, and stack each building block. More detailed information can be referred in the rule section.

Season Schedule

  Date Activities Notes
  June 28, 2024 Release of competition rules and relevant materials /
  July 1, 2024 - July 31, 2024 Registration Teams can login Registration Website and practice kits will be sent to successfully registered teams
  Aug 1, 2024 - Oct 14, 2024 Practice Stage Teams practice to complete the challenge mission according to the Rules Manual
  Oct 15, 2024 - Oct 16, 2024 Final Competition Participating teams are required to proceed field-test during IROS 2024


Robotic Construction Challenge (RCC) is an international competition open to all university students. As long as you are passionate about robotic construction and eager to compete, it's time to register for RCC which will be hold at IROS 2024.

Registration Website:

Please notice that RCC is not a sim-to-real competition. It is neccssary to use real-robot for practice and on-site competition.


RCC at its core allows participants to win points by coding single or dual robotic arms to run automatically on an official game table. Each game lasts for ten minutes, where robots pick and place building blocks to earn points. Participants will be ranked by their total points won.

Rules Manual: Robotic Construction Challenge 2024 Rules Manual v1.0


  Prize Ranking Quantity     Awards
  Grand price First place 1
  • Achievement certificates (for each member)
  • $2,000 pre-tax
  First prize Second place 1
  • Achievement certificates (for each member)
  • $1,000 pre-tax
Third place 1
  • Achievement certificates (for each member)
  • $500 pre-tax
Fourth place 1
  • Achievement certificates (for each member)
  Second prize 5-8 4
  • Achievement certificates (for each member)
  Third prize 9-16 8
  • Achievement certificates (for each member)


Prof. Peng Feng (Tsinghua)
Prof. Guyue Zhou (Tsinghua)
Prof. Xiaodan Liang (SYSU / MBZUAI)
Dr. Xiaoyun Yuan (QIYUAN Lab)
Dr. Jiasi Gao (DISCOVER Robotics)

Prof. Jinane Mounsef (RIT Dubai, Local Chair of IROS 2024 Competitions)

Contact Us

Mail:; Tel: (010)82150160
Copyright @ 2024 Robotic Construction Challenge Organizing Committee. All Rights Reserved